

发布时间:2024-07-09 06:53:17 来源:其它 作者:未知


楼主啊!为了你,我都找了半天了,终于又找到了一篇你要的英语小诗:《Heals The World(治愈地球)》my mouth was a crib it was growing lies.我的嘴是婴儿床,而他正在孕育着谎言.i didn't know what love was on that...


It was a rainy day,I hurry to walk home.The way people rarely,but I bumped into a man,knocking him off balance,he hastened to hold the wall,but fortunately did not fall.Through the rain I looked at the man,he had the withered hand,thin body,clothes with patches,a pair of eyes are set at me - it is a blind.I blush and say:" sorry,sir,you home?I take you." " well,thank you." His wrinkled and haggard face seems a smile.
I helped him move on,suddenly,I tripped,nearly fell,toes touch the pain.I looked down,the original is a brick,I just want to put it away,but see the brick is too dirty,garrulous said:" who is to throw a brick on the ground,almost tripped me up.The old man,be careful,don't fall." The old man didn't move,stretched thin arms,squat down on the ground,with the hand touched a few bricks,pick up,in the corner,said:" perhaps others pass by here also fell,we should think more of others." And then stained with slurry in the walls with a hand.My eyes were moist,rushed out of their beloved handkerchief and wiped his hands in the water.I found the old man appeared,with his wet eyes stared at me,I blushed,hung her head in shame.
Yeah!In this the home on the road,I was his guide,while on the road in life,he is my guide." For the sake of others ",this is he showed me a right way of life.
The world is full of love and appreciation of the way / Yang Zehua memories,recounts "I " in the life journey makes an " I "," me " the unforgettable thoughtful things.Touched me the most is " no action,stretched thin arms.Squatting on the ground touched a few bricks,pick up,back in the corner " this word,the old man of action description very carefully,a blind old man heart filled with other tall figures stand vividly revealed on the paper." The ' others ',this is he showed me a right way of life." The end of the article is very wonderful,be just perfect place clear theme.
Off road in the stones,it is small,but sufficient to reflect a person's spirit and quality.The blind old man,is indeed worthy of our study,we are on the road of life guide.I can not help but think of " Zhengda variety " in Song:" love is the most beautiful language in the world,love is selfless dedication." Love will bring you unlimited warmth,will also bring you happiness.Yes,I will together with you in love singing in the earth,the love and happiness to everyone's heart.Love is great,is selfless,let us extend the hand of friendship,to make the world a better place,let every corner is full of sunshine of love.
The best medicine in the world is love.Love is so noble,so great,so selfless.Let us set up a bridge for the soul,care for each other,so that everyone can be immersed in the ocean of love.
The best medicine in the world





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最后,今年冬天宝可梦正统续作《精灵宝可梦 剑-盾》将在ns平台上发售,所以要买的话最好在今年冬天之前,预计宝可梦发售的时候,机子和游戏会有小幅度的涨价。

stain 的用法stain from/

及物动词 vt.
1.沾污,污染[( with)]
Blood stained the blanket.
His crimes stained the family honor.
She stained the table brown.
不及物动词 vi.
His character is without stain.
These carpets won't stain easily.
名词 n.
He's got an ink stain on his shirt.


可翻译为:If you were an angel,then I would be the demon.If you were not willing to stain your hands with blood,then just let me help you.


Song of the Lute Player

Bai Juyi

By the Xunyang River a guest is seen off one night;

Chill the autumn, red the maple leaves and in flower the reeds;

The host alights from his horse, the guest is aboard,

They raise their cups to drink but have no music.

Drunk without joy, in sadness they must part;

At the time of parting the river seems steeped in moonlight;

Suddenly out on the water a lute is heard;

The host forgets to turn back, the guest delays going.

Seeking the sound in the dark, we ask who is the player.

The lute is silent, hesitant the reply.

Rowing closer, we ask if we may meet the musician,

Call for more wine, trim the lamp and resume our feast;

Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear,

Her face half-hidden behind the lute in her arms.

She tunes up and plucks the strings a few times,

Touching our hearts before even the tune is played;

Each chord strikes a pensive note

As if voicing the disillusion of a lifetime;

Her head is bent, her fingers stray over the strings

Pouring out the infinite sorrows of her heart.

Lightly she pinches in the strings, slowly she strums and plucks them;

First The Rainbow Garments, then The Six Minor Notes.

The high notes wail like pelting rain,

The low notes whisper like soft confidences;

Wailing and whispering interweave

Like pearls large and small cascading on a plate of jade,

Like a warbling oriole gliding below the blossom,

Like a mountain brook purling down a bank,

Till the brook turns to ice, the strings seem about snap,

About to snap, and for one instant all is still

Only an undertone of quiet grief

Is more poignant in the silence than any sound;

Then a silver bottle is smashed, out gushes the water,

Armoured riders charge, their swords and lances clang!

When the tune ends, she draws her pick full across

And the four strings give a sound like the tearing of silk.

Right and left of the boat all is silence —

We see only the autumn moon, silver in midstream.

Pensively she puts the pick between the strings,

Straightens her clothes, rises and composes herself.

She is, she says, a girl from the capital

Whose family once lived at the foot of Toad Hill.

At thirteen she learned to play the lute

And ranked first among the musicians;

Her playing was admired by the old masters,

Her looks were the envy of other courtesans;

Youths from wealthy districts vied in their gifts to engage her,

A single song brought her countless rolls of red silk;

Men smashed jeweled and silver trinkets to mark the beat;

Silk skirts as red as blood were stained by spilt wine.

Pleasure and laughter from one year to the next.

While the autumn moon and spring breeze passed unheeded.

Then her brother joined the army, her aunt died,

The days and nights slipped by and her beauty fades,

No more carriages and horsemen thronged her gate,

And growing old she became a merchant's wife.

The merchant thought only of profit: to seek it he leaves her.

Two months ago he went to Fuliang to buy tea,

Leaving her alone in the boat at the mouth of the river;

All around the moonlight is bright, the river is cold,

And late at night, dreaming of her girlhood,

She cries in her sleep, staining her rouged cheeks with tears.

The music of her lute has made me sign,

And now she tells this plaintive tale of sorrow;

We are both ill-starred, drifting on the face of the earth;

No matter if we were strangers before this encounter.

Last year I bade the imperial city farewell;

A demoted official, I lay ill in Xunyang;

Xunyang is a paltry place without any music,

For one year I heard no wind instruments, no strings.

Now I live on the low, damp flat by the River Pen,

Round my house yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow rife;

From dawn till dusk I hear no other sounds

But the wailing of night-jars and the moaning of apes.

On a day of spring blossoms by the river or moonlit night in autumn

I often call for wine and drink alone;

Of course, there are rustic songs and village pipes,

But their shrill discordant notes grate on my ears;

Tonight listening to your lute playing

Was like hearing fairy music; it gladdened my ears.

Don't refuse, but sit down and play another tune,

And I'll write a Song of the Lute Player for you.

Touched by my words, she stands there for some time,

Then goes back to her seat and played with quickened tempo

Music sadder far than the first melody,

And at the sound not a man of us has dry eyes.

The assistant prefect of Jiangzhou is so moved

That his blue coat is wet with tears



《Heals The World(治愈地球)》

my mouth was a crib it was growing lies.我的嘴是婴儿床,而他正在孕育着谎言。

i didn't know what love was on that day!在那天我不知道爱是什么!

my heart's a tiny blood clot.我的心是很小的血块。i picked at it.我把它摘下。

it never heals,it never goes away!它难以治愈,也难以逝去!

i burned all the good things in the eden eye!我在伊甸园的风眼里焚烧所有的好东西!

we were too dumb too run too dead 2 die!我们太哑太易熔太呆板以至死去!

i burned all the good things in the eden eye!我在伊甸园的风眼里焚烧所有的好东西!

this was never my world!这不是我的世界!

u took the angel away.你赶走天使!

i'd kill myself 2 make everybody pay!我以自残获得每个人的给予!

i would have told her then.于是我将要告诉她。

she was the only thing.她是我的唯一。

that i could love in this dying world!我在这垂死的世界的唯一所爱!

but the simple word "love" itself.但仅仅这简单的爱字。

already died and went away!也已经消逝与离去!

her heart's a bloodstained egg!她的心是个血污的蛋!

we didn't handle with care!我们从无顾忌的操纵!

it's broken and bleeding.它坏掉了并在流血。

and we can never repair!但我们从不修补!









